Ukraine will not be able to cover EU demand for flaxseeds

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ODESA: The gross harvest of flax in Ukraine in 2020 amounted to 12 thousand tons.
In 2020/21 MY, the sown area of oil flax decreased by 14%, becoming the lowest since 2004/05 MY. This was partially offset by increased yields and led to a slight increase in yields.

Bad forecast for Canadian canola and flaxseeds increased EU demand for Ukrainian rapeseeds and flaxseeds. But Ukraine can hardly cover the increased demand as their total yield this year will not be enough. Russia and Kazakhstan again have better positions in competition for the EU market.

Such a situation put big pressure on prices. Some market participants already increased their purchasing prices to 21 000 UAH or 650 $/t. Considering 10% export duty from Ukraine, the flaxseeds prices have already exceeded rapeseeds prices.

Mintec Global

Whoever wants to buy linseed today has a hard time, and from Monday, it will be even more complex because many buyers are coming back from holiday and will have a surprise.

The price for cleaned linseed is currently 0.90/kg ex station cleaning facility.