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Six More Sugar Factories Will Start Working in Ukraine

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This year, the number of operating sugar factories in Ukraine should increase compared to 2022.

This was stated by the acting Chairman of the Board of the National Association of Sugar Producers of Ukraine “Ukrsugar” Nazar Mikhailovin in an interview with the Interfax-Ukraine agency.

Due to hostilities on the territory of our country last year, there were serious problems in Kyiv, Kharkiv, Zhytomyr, and Chernihiv regions. They were unable to participate in sugar sowing and production. The 2022 season in Ukraine has been operated by 23 plants, which this year will be joined by six more enterprises,” he said.

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Sugar production will return to pre-invasion levels

The Ministry of Agrarian Policy expects that in 2023 the area under sugar beet will be almost the same as before the war. Before the war, 226 thousand hectares were sown; in 2022, the area decreased to 181.4 thousand hectares; this year it is planned to harvest 220 thousand hectares. This year’s gross sugar beet production is expected to reach 11.3 million tons, which is 1.6 million tons more than in 2021.

The amount of harvest can also increase due to new farmers, Mikhailovin believes.

Due to the difficulties in selling sunflower, corn and wheat, many farmers have turned to the liquidity of sugar beet it does not need to be stored, dried, additional investment he said.

According to him, when farmers sell sugar beets to processing plants, they receive payment immediately. In addition, when signing contracts with agricultural producers, sugar factories provide them with seeds, fertilizers, plant protection products and, if necessary, equipment that is on the balance sheet of processing enterprises.

Market experts believe that in the new season in Ukraine, there will be no shortage of sugar, but the price for it this year may increase by 10-12%.

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