Border Blockade Persists as Ukraine’s Agricultural Exports to Poland Plummet

Border Blockade Persists as Ukraine’s Agricultural Exports to Poland Plummet

Mintec Global
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Continued Border Blockade

Despite efforts to resolve tensions, the blockade of agricultural imports from Ukraine to Poland by Polish farmers persists, further straining trade relations between the two countries. The blockade, initiated under the guise of safeguarding domestic markets, has caused significant disruptions to cross-border trade.

Unicaps Sunflower seeds


Following the closure of Black Sea ports post the Russian invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, exporters sought alternative routes for agricultural shipments, including through Poland. However, concerns over unfair competition from cheap Ukrainian grain led Poland, along with four other Eastern EU states, to call for restrictions on Ukrainian grain imports, culminating in unilateral import bans

Impact on Trade

The European Commission initially imposed temporary limits on the import of wheat, corn, rapeseed, and sunflower from Ukraine to these countries, extending the ban until September 2023. Despite efforts to resume duty-free deliveries, the blockade by Polish farmers persists, albeit with minimal impact on overall grain imports to Poland.

Diminished Exports

Analysis reveals a sharp decline in Ukrainian grain exports to Poland, dropping from 2.7 million tons in 2022/23 to a mere 46 thousand tons in 2023/24. Transit volumes through Poland have dwindled significantly, with most grain shipments now bypassing the country, primarily routed through Romania.

Shifting Trade Routes

The opening of the Black Sea Corridor has reshaped trade dynamics, with Ukraine increasingly favoring maritime exports, reducing reliance on land routes through Poland. While exports of vegetable oils and meal from Ukraine continue to grow, the blockade’s impact on overall trade remains evident.

As the border blockade persists, Ukrainian agricultural exporters navigate through shifting trade routes and evolving market dynamics. While efforts to resume trade continue, the enduring blockade underscores the challenges of maintaining trade relations amidst geopolitical tensions.

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