Dried Figs: export prices vary huge on supplier basis

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AYDIN: Market players stated there is no raw material available anymore on the market

Market players stated that there is no raw material available on the market and that the export prices vary hugely on a supplier basis. It is also informed that traders and exporters withhold their raw material waiting for the progress of the new crop. There is a danger of drought in Aydın, but this week’s expected rainfalls are expected to reduce this risk partially. Farmers are nowadays busy with fruit set processes, and exporters expect around mid-July the results of the fruit sets for the new crop. Turkey exported 845 mt of dried figs and figs products last week, which were 1016 mt during the same week of Last Year. The total of exports ranged at 59.046 mt of this crop which was 60.074 mt in the same period of the Last Season.

Exports of dried figs in mt
From the beginning of the Season until 12 June 2021


Dried figs, Turkey, crop 2020

Bulk, Nr. 15470
Bulk, Nr. 25170
Bulk, Nr.. 34875