Effects of climate on dried apricots in Türkiyeing

Effects of Climate on Dried Apricots in Türkiye

Mintec Global
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Last year, dried apricots were very affected by climate change. Unfortunately, it looks like this season will be no different from last season. The weather being above seasonal norms caused the apricot trees to bloom earlier than normal. For now, there is no frost until the end of the month, but unpredictable weather changes may occur, which will greatly affect the early-flowering apricot trees, so farmers are trying to protect their crops and have started early spraying and insurance for the next season. This increased both the next season’s prices and the market prices of existing products. It is heading towards record levels. Exports are not very active because of these prices. There are not many varieties of apricots left. Currently, there are 1-2-3-4 and 8 sulfur apricots available. However, it is possible to find natural ones in 2-3-4 and 6 numbers.

Dried Apricot  Types


No:2 Organic€7,20
No:4 Organic€7,00





