
Turkey Builds up Food Reserves Because of Russian War of Aggression

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The Republic of Turkey Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry has imposed restrictions on the export of olive oil, beans, and red lentils, to ensure food supply security due to the state of emergency caused by the Russian war against Ukraine.

In the statement, which is stated that the Ministry is authorized to make periodic arrangements in the export of the products specified in the “Communiqué on the Export of Certain Agricultural Products” published in the Official Gazette dated 27.01.2022 and numbered 317332, “It was necessary to take measures to ensure that there is no problem in accessing food products” was said.

The Statement From The Ministry On The Subject Is As Follows 

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“With the Ministry’s approval dated 26.02.2022 and numbered 4652059: export applications to the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC), export applications to be made to the areas under security in Syria by Turkey Agricultural Credit Cooperatives and its affiliates, export applications to be made by Humanitarian Aid Organizations  such as AFAD, Turkish Red Crescent or other, export applications up to a maximum of 500 kg for each product per ship to companies engaged in ship storage for transit through our seas, export applications to be made under the Inward Processing Regime, taking into account the supply/demand and current stock status, except for products that have started to be processed, until a new notification is made;

It has been decided to restrict the export of products:

  1. Common Beans (Including White Beans)
  2. Red Lentils
  3. Olive Oil (Others) (Bulk Olive Oil, Packing More Than 5 Kg)”

Source: Republic of Turkey Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry