
Millet prices run hot and cold. Millet market experiences some disbalance.

Mintec Global
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ODESA: Ukraine has already started millet harvesting, and more and more offers if new crops appear on the market.

But farmers are in two minds. On the one hand, prices of wheat and barley  (main products) are skyrocketing now, and hard to imagine that millet is cheaper than wheat. On the other hand, forecasts are good, and Ukraine can expect an excellent total yield this year. Millet has a rather limited circle of customers to expect constant and strong demand the whole year at the high price level.

As a result, we can see very significant price variations on an EXW basis. Farmers value their goods from 220 $/t to 300 $/t and waiting for buyers’ reaction. Meanwhile, the average purchasing price in Ukrainian ports for both yellow and red millet is fixed at the level of 230 $/t now.

European buyers are expecting a price level under 300 $/t, including delivery.

Creamy millet has good demand from Asia, but hardly any offers of it at the market yet.

Current price charts for millet

Current offers for millet
