
Mustard Sowing Decreased by About 9% In Gujarat

Mintec Global
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Mustard acreage in Gujarat is down by slightly over 9% this season, despite improved sowing in north Gujarat. The Department of Agriculture further informed that Kutch and Saurashtra have significantly declined mustard sowing.

Rabi season

In India, the planting or sowing season occurs from October to November, which is known as the Rabi season. The crop begins to bloom in November, December, January, and February. February to March is when the harvest is done. It needs the appropriate amount of rainfall during the crop’s planting period.

During the current season, a total of 3.04 million hectares of mustard has been sown in Gujarat. A total of 3.35.200 hectares of this major rabi oil seed was planted in the state in the period under review a year ago. This shows that compared to the period under consideration of the previous season, Gujarat’s mustard sowing has decreased by 31,200 hectares or 9.30%. The main reason is a massive decline in its sowing in the state’s Kutch and Saurashtra.

GM hybrids

Given that India’s current use of edible oil exceeds its domestic production rate, a new type called GM hybrids will increase productivity and decrease reliance on imports of mustards. Veterans claim that GM crops are based on false fears that will harm Indian farmers, consumers, and the industry. Despite extensive mustard use and seeding on 8–9 million hectares of land, India still imported 55–60% of its edible oil needs. Although this GM hybrid passed the tests, it is currently facing the Indian Government’s repercussions.

The decline in sowing and the development of new GM variety might enhance the trade in the long run. However, in the short run, prices may rise until harvest as production is low. Thus, the future of this commodity is positive, according to market analysts.

The Brown Mustard Seeds Bold prices were recorded at $0,81 per kg FOB.

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