
Turkey Dried Figs: Tariş has announced purchase prices for new crop figs AYDIN: Tariş has announced the purchase prices for the new crop

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Market players stated that the announced purchase prices of Tariş of 36 TL / kg for A1 grade (36-40 pcs/100 gr) and 30 TL/kg for A4 grade ( 51-55 pcs/100 gr))are far below the actual market prices (approx 41 TL) So it not expected that farmers will deliver their products to Tariş since they can sell at higher prices on the Market.

As already informed, the crop estimation studies were completed last week. There will be a Meeting at the Aegean Exporters Union tomorrow. The first export date is expected to be announced after the meeting. Market players stated again that it is likely that the crop will be in between 70.000 mt up to 80.000 mt.

However, while in general approx. 60% is suitable for export; they worry that this rate may be lower this Season due to the growing period. Therefore, market players stated that there could be a massive difference in export price offers on a supplier basis. It is once again noted that the quality is not that good and that, therefore, good quality figs could be sold out soon. This will result in price increases during the following weeks.

Exporters still prefer to wait at least until mid of this week to give export prices. Exporters are still processing and exporting their outstanding orders from the current crop on a high tempo.

Turkey exported 953 mt of dried figs and figs products last week, 568 mt during the same week of the previous year. The total exports range at 67.065 mt, 66.061 mt in total in the same period last year. 

Exports of dried figs in mt
Since the beginning of the Season


Dried figs, Turkey, crop 2020

Bulk, Nr. 15.575
Bulk, Nr. 25.275
Bulk, Nr.. 34.975


Source: Trade