U.S. Soybean Industry Achieves Significant Reduction in Carbon Footprint, Study Finds

U.S. Soybean Industry Achieves Significant Reduction in Carbon Footprint, Study Finds Collaboration Between USB and NOPA Yields Insights into Environmental Progress  

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In a collaborative effort, the United Soybean Board (USB) and the National Oilseed Processors Association (NOPA) released findings from a comprehensive Life Cycle Assessment (LCA), revealing notable advancements in the environmental sustainability of the U.S. soybean industry.

Key Points

Significant Reduction in Carbon Footprint: The LCA study reports a substantial decrease in the global warming potential (GWP) profile of U.S. soybeans, soybean meal, and soy oil in 2021 compared to previous assessments in 2015 and 2010.

Driving Factors

Various factors contribute to this positive trend, including advancements in land management practices, increased land efficiency driven by seed quality improvements, reduced pesticide application, and energy consumption, as well as enhancements in manufacturing technologies and efficiencies.

Industry Impact

The U.S. soybean industry’s commitment to sustainability has resulted in a 19% decrease in carbon footprint for soybeans, a 6% decrease for soybean meal, a 22% decrease for crude soy oil, and an 8% decrease for refined soy oil.

Collaborative Efforts

The partnership between USB and NOPA underscores a shared dedication to environmental stewardship and continuous improvement within the soy supply chain.

Future Outlook

The findings of the LCA provide valuable insights for ongoing efforts to enhance environmental sustainability and lower carbon intensity in soybean production and processing operations.

For more information on USB and NOPA, visit unitedsoybean.org and www.nopa.org.


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