Dried Peas

Ukrainian yellow and green peas have different price behaviour.

Mintec Global
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ODESA:  By October end, yellow peas prices continued the increasing trend and reached 320-330 $/t in Ukrainian ports.  Market participants explain this increase by farmers’ unwillingness to sell their stocks while world prices are growing. At the beginning of the week, Pakistan buyers were very active, asking for the cargo directly or through international traders. By the end of the week, this wave of activity from their side calmed down.

By contrast with yellow peas, green peas price is stable in October and keeps at the level 430-440 $/t in Ukrainian ports. Export demand is fragile due to high costs, and limited stocks do not force the farmers to sell the cargo as soon as possible. Some activity was expected from Turkish buyers after their government reduced import duties for pulses. But they are expecting crop news from Canada, preferring to buy their quality even at a higher price.