Ukrainians Have Almost Finished Harvesting Early Grains

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ODESA: Harvesting of grain and leguminous crops in Ukraine was carried out on an area of ​​6.1 million hectares. With average yield of 38.2 tons/ha, farmers have got 23.4 million tons of grains:

Wheat -17.4 million tons (91% harvested);
Barley – 5.3 million tons (96%);
Peas – 243.7 thousand tons (97%);
Millet – 7.7 thousand tons (7%).
Rapeseeds – 3.1 million tons (98%).

Rapeseeds is the only item in this list, which exceeds last year crop indicators. All other grains showed big decrease.

The volume of exports of grain and leguminous crops from Ukraine in the 2022/23 FY as of August 19 amounted to 2.99 million tons, which is 51% less than last season. Ukraine managed to achieve such figures only due to corn export, which is 68% higher than the volume of shipments on the same date last season. Wheat export is 73% less, barley export – 88% less.