BUDAPEST – There is no change in the conditions of walnut plantations in Hungary this week. The walnuts are developing well, and the only thing that means a problem in the coming months is the walnut husk fly. More and more pesticide has come on the market against the insect, which is helpful in conventional plants, but 100% solution is not on the table regarding the bio plantations because the farmers are not calm.
Walnut husk fly damaged bio walnut
Unfortunately, many bio walnut processors are thinking of abandoning organic walnut production provided some treatment will solve this very unpleasant problem.
This week, the prices for walnuts are unchanged EXW Hungary at the following levels:
light quarters and pieces: 6,10 EUR/kg
light halves (30%): 6,65 Euro/kg
light halves (80%): 6,95 Euro/kg
Organic light quarters and pieces: 7,10 EUR/kg
Organic light halves (30%): 7,75 Euro/kg
Organic light halves (80%): 8,60 Euro/kg