black lentil and pigeon: India signs an MoU with Myanmar for lentils

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Mumbai – India signs an MoU with Myanmar to import 350.000 tonnes of black lentil and pigeon pea annually for five years.

The country deals with imports of 250.000 metric tons of black lentils and 100.000 tons of pigeon pea every year for the next five years. The directorate general of foreign trade under the union ministry of commerce and industry informed about the memorandum of understanding between the government of the Republic of India and the government of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar for imports of pigeon pea in a public notice.

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In January of every financial year, an evaluation of the total quality of black lentil exports and pigeon pea exports from Myanmar to India that have taken place until then will be undertaken. If there is any shortfall in the annual quota, the government of the Republic of India shall release that shortfall quantity for imports from any other country.

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