Cocoa Exports from Pará Increasing with International Recognition

Cocoa Exports from Pará Increasing with International Recognition

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Rising Cocoa Production Forecast

Pará solidifies its position as the largest cocoa producer in Brazil, with a projected cocoa production exceeding 152,000 tons in 2024, according to a projection from the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE). The state boasts over 31,500 producers, contributing 51.80% of the national production.

Exporters and Cooperatives

Leading the export charge is the Tomé-Açu Mixed Agriculture Cooperative (Camta) for Japan and the Transamazônica and Xingu Organic Production Center Cooperative (CEPOTX) for the Netherlands. These cooperatives, representing about 2-3% of Pará’s cocoa production, play a crucial role in international trade. The sector has generated over 350,000 direct and indirect jobs.

Recognition in the Global Arena

Cocoa seeds produced in Medicilândia, influenced by the Transamazônica in western Pará, were hailed among the best globally at the Cocoa Excellence Awards held in the Netherlands. Pará producers, supported by the Pará Cocoa Production Development Fund (Funcacau), participated in the program, showcasing the state’s commitment to quality.

Governor’s Acknowledgment

Governor Helder Barbalho attributes the award to the quality work in Pará and the government’s steadfast support for producers. He highlights initiatives such as cocoa cultivation in Medicilândia, emphasizing the importance of agricultural forestry systems in production.

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Success Stories

Award-winning cocoa producer Robson Brogni, from Medicilândia, manages four cocoa facilities, producing around 320 tons of cocoa annually. Alongside his wife, Sarah, they oversee “Ascurra Chocolates,” a chocolate factory utilizing the “from cocoa bean to bar” approach, catering to both domestic and international markets.

Government Support for Growth

Robson acknowledges the crucial support from the Pará Government over the years, particularly through the State Secretariat for Agriculture and Fisheries (SEDAP), which provides opportunities for business growth and exposure to potential customers.

Testimonial from a Chocolate Producer

Chiara Cruz, a cocoa and chocolate producer from Ananindeua, emphasizes the significance of government-backed participation in trade fairs, which has been pivotal in promoting their products and enhancing market visibility.

As Pará continues to nurture its cocoa industry, governmental initiatives and entrepreneurial endeavors converge to propel the sector towards sustained growth and international acclaim.