Dried Figs: Leading import markets AYDIN: Top-3 importing countries of the worldfamous turkish dried figs are respectively USA, France and Germany

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Turkey’s world-famous figs are consumed throughout the world; the leading importer’s areas before the USA, France, and Germany. Italy, New Zealand and Canada are among the countries where there is the highest increase in Turkey’s exports. Market players stated that figs are traded throughout the whole year, as can also be seen from the export figures of the current crop. Since the beginning of the season, Turkey exported 63.294 mt dried figs and fig products, which was 63.097 mt last season during the same period.

The total exports have exceeded the figures for the previous season.  Market players added that there is a continuous and increasing interest in Turkish figs. The progress of the new crop is still good so far; however, the drought worries the farmers as this could affect the yield.  Raw material prices vary between 37 to 40 TL / kg again this week due to the Official Holiday in Turkey during this week because of the religious Sacrifice Festival. Turkey exported last week 743 mt, which was only 496 mt during the same week of last year.

Exports of dried figs in mt
Since the beginning of the Season

 Dried figs, Turkey, crop 2020

Bulk, Nr. 15470
Bulk, Nr. 25170
Bulk, Nr.. 34875

Source: Trade

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