Market Restrained Despite Rise in Peanut Prices Due To Exports

Mintec Global
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Market Trends and Price Fluctuations

The price of peanuts has witnessed a modest increase due to enhanced export activities. However, market conditions are expected to remain stable within a limited range. Despite the lack of significant market demand, prices have strengthened, particularly for TJ quality peanuts, driven by increased inquiries from China and Vietnam.

Export businesses, particularly those from China and Vietnam, have provided crucial support to the peanut market, reinforcing prices and market stability. The recent surge in oil prices, coupled with improved business during the Gulf Food event, has further bolstered market sentiments. However, the overall demand for groundnuts remains subdued, with exports experiencing a decline of over 50% compared to the previous year.

Uncertainty in Demand Tendencies

While recent trends indicate a surge in demand for peanuts in certain regions, market movements remain uncertain. The future market outlook is characterised by fluctuations, where demand may fluctuate unpredictably, leading to temporary price surges followed by stagnation. The market’s susceptibility to sudden shifts highlights the need for cautious monitoring and strategic decision-making.

Several factors contribute to the current market scenario, including the fluctuating demand from China, Indonesia, and other Far East countries. While export activities remain a key driver, domestic factors such as sowing patterns and crop yields also influence the market. The ongoing summer groundnut sowing season in Gujarat and the increased cultivation in Banaskantha are expected to impact future supply levels and market trends.

Outlook and Predictions

Despite the recent price fluctuations and uncertain market conditions, industry experts foresee a stable market environment in the short term. With the end of the fiscal year and workers’ holidays affecting factory operations, significant price movements are not expected until early April. Additionally, the subdued demand for Ramadan and global commodity market trends are likely to temper any significant price surges in the near term.

In conclusion, while the peanut market has seen a modest increase in prices due to heightened export activities, the overall demand remains subdued. Uncertainty looms over market movements, with fluctuating demand trends posing challenges for stakeholders. Factors such as export demand from China and Vietnam, coupled with domestic sowing patterns, will continue to shape the charts. Despite recent price fluctuations, industry experts anticipate a stable market environment in the short term, with significant price movements unlikely until early April.

