Wheat prices declined increased chart Wheat Market Rises Amid Grain Corridor Talks Wheat Prices Rise After Ukrainian Dam Breach

Purchasing Prices for Wheat Increased in Ukrainian Ports

Mintec Global
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ODESA: According to different monitoring groups, during last week purchasing prices for wheat slightly increased in Ukrainian Black Sea and Danube river ports.

Prices are supported by the positive dynamics of shipments of Ukrainian grain. We can observe big growth compared with previous months since the beginning of the war and hope for its continuation. The price increase was facilitated by the domestic market situation against the background of restraining sales by farmers and increased competition in purchases between traders and processors. In addition, at the beginning of the “grain agreement” the majority of traders were focused on the export of formed stocks. But in recent weeks, grain purchases have been activated in the unblocked deep-water ports. However, grain exports from the Black Sea ports are slower than we would like, so prices have remained at a low level, in line with prices in the Danube ports.

Purchasing prices for milling and feed wheat with delivery to the ports of the Danube and Big Odessa at the end of last week rose to 190-210 and 150-180 USD / t CPT port.