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Dates: Predicting the harvest of 75,000 tons of dates from the palm groves of Bam city

Mintec Global
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Mazafati dates of Bam are among the most critical agricultural brands in Kerman province, with a special place for domestic and foreign customers. It is expected that about 75,000 tons of dates will be harvested from the palm groves of this city this year. Bam farmers are harvesting dates in a situation where the high cost of production compared to the Price of the product has created problems.

Bam Mazafati dates are well-known. They are considered one of the best and leading brands in the dating market of Iran and even the world. In late August, harvesting dates start from 9500 hectares of fertile orchards and continue until late October in Bam. According to the Agricultural Organizations of Bam, it is expected that about 75,000 tons of dates will be harvested from the palm groves of this city this year. The product is gathered and sent to domestic and foreign markets. More than 10,000 palm growers are harvesting this crop these days in the city. But the doubling of production costs and packaging cartons has caused problems for palm growers this year. Mazafati fresh dates of Bam were exported to more than 50 countries last year. Due to the coronavirus, harvesting and packaging of Bam dates are done with adhering to the guidelines of the health protocols.

Over the past month, the prices of various Iranian export dates have fluctuated in world markets. In general, the Price of Iranian dates for export has increased compared to last month. In the first two weeks of this period, the Price of Iranian dates for export has increased 6.3 to 9.5 per cent due to the rise in domestic and export demand for this crop. The Price of Iranian export dates was stable in the third week of the mentioned period. But last week, the prices of various Iranian export dates has increased again due to the decrease in the exchange rate of foreign currencies against the Rial. The decline in the price of foreign currencies in the Iranian market was due to the announcement of Iran’s readiness to resume negotiations between this country and the member states of JCPOA for Iran and the United States returning to the JCPOA agreement. In total, compared to last month, the Price of Iranian Mazafati dates has increased by 10.3 per cent, the Price of Zahedi dates has risen by about 9.8 per cent, the Price of Rabbi dates has gone up by about 9.2 per cent, and the Price of Kabkab dates exported by Iran has increased by 8.8 per cent.

ProductTypeGrade$ Price€ Price
DateMazafatiPremium Grade1.491.28
Dried ZahediPremium Grade1.321.13
Dried KababPremium Grade1.000.86
RabbiPremium Grade2.091.80

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