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Walnuts Iran: Tuyserkan walnut is still waiting for the development of conversion industries

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Although Tuyserkan, the walnut capital of Iran, has the highest quality of this crop in Iran and is one of the highest quality walnuts globally, it still suffers from a lack of development in the conversion industry sector for economic revenue and maximum productivity.

Tuyserkan city has more than 6,200 hectares of walnut orchards and an annual production of nearly 17,000 tons of kernels.

Tuyserkan walnut is officially registered in the World Intellectual Property Organization. Launching a complete seedling birth chain in a land area of ​​14,000 square meters can provide the walnut grafts needed by Iran in the coming years.

Despite these advantages in global walnut production, although Tuyserkan city has created a few limited units related to walnut conversion and ancillary industries in recent years, these production units never appeared as an expected number is minimal.

Walnut processing and avoidance of selling raw materials change and multiply the added value and income of Tuyserkan walnuts. Meanwhile, most of the walnuts produced in the gardens of this city are sold raw. The establishment and expansion of Tuyserkan walnut conversion industries in the past and recent years have not been as they should be and perhaps have not been figured out, which causes the maximum utilization of this product’s economic capacity in the city not achieved.

Mintec Global

If the processing and activity of walnut processing industries in Tuyserkan city reach an acceptable level, Tuyserkan can benefit from its unique and global garden product much more than the current conditions. Also, the establishment and operation of Tuyserkan walnut nursery, as one of the largest and unique nurseries in the Middle East, by producing several thousand seedlings, can provide the required transplants throughout Iran and even outside Iran soon.

At the same time, the project of improving, branching, and grafting walnut trees, which is being implemented in Tuyserkan city, to increase the quantity and quality of walnuts produced in this city, undoubtedly has an irreplaceable effect on the sales of the global market. In the first quarter of this year in Iran (20 March to 20 June), only 11.5 tons of Walnut kernels were exported from Iran at a value of 104,000 USD. It has decreased by about 92 per cent in terms of weight and export currency, compared to the same period last year, 154 tons worth 1,367,000 USD.

The decline in production and damage to the gardens in the past year caused a decrease in crop yields and shortages in the current year. In the mentioned 3 months period, the amount of walnuts with export quality has decreased significantly in the Iranian market, which has led to a sharp decline in exports of this product.

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