FAO Vegetable Oil Price Index down 1.3%

FAO Vegetable Oil Price Index down 1.3%

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In April, the average value of the FAO Vegetable Oil Price Index continued to decline to 130 points, down 1.3% from March, according to the press service of the organization. The decline continues for the sixth month in a row.

The drop in the price index was due to the combined effect of stable world prices for palm oil and the decline in the quotations of soybean, rapeseed and sunflower oils” explain the experts.

So, in April, prices for palm oil remained virtually unchanged, although in March, quotations for this product returned to a small phase of growth. This time, the downward trend as a result of sluggish import demand was balanced by rather low supply volumes from leading producers.

Soybean oil prices fell once again: in April it was influenced by forecasts of a record soybean crop in Brazil.

Prices on rapeseed and sunflower oil continued to fall for the sixth month in a row, which is explained by specialists of FAO with significant stocks of these products in the world.

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